Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh, I've finally found the motivation...

I was going to tell you the motivation, but I completely forgot. Okay, I have two different topics to talk about in this blog.

First topic: Restrictions are starting again. Binging is over with. I will not be happy until I'm under 110 pounds. I'm determined now. I miss my old willpower. I used to be able to go 6 or 7 days without eating a thing. Now I'd be lucky if i make it 6 or 7 hours. Restricting is starting tomorrow. So hopefully I will be able to stick to it. I realized I can't do that whole 2468 thing. If i restrict, I need 0 calories, otherwise I will binge. 0 calories tomorrow. Determined. Now.

Second topic: I did physical fitness evaluations for my health class yesterday. I'm so sore today. Which means, I need to start finding time to exercise again. My body conditioning class starts on october 19th though, so that should help.

I'm so sick lately. That'll give me the excuse to not eat, but I won't be sick forever, so I gotta start thinking up more excuses.

Hope all is well!,

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