Tuesday, September 22, 2009

BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ... (sound of his text messages)

Is it bad that I'm really annoyed with my fiance?

He's just really getting on my nerves lately.

He'll say "what's wrong?"

I'll be like "Nothing, I promise you."

He'll say "I just feel like there is something wrong."

I think... There WILL be something wrong if you don't just drop it.

Gosh, I just feel like such an asshole, but I dunno. The thought of marriage is kind of freaking me out right now.

Oh, monogamy.

I should call him or something. Assure him that I'm still alive.


  1. to be honest i think that everyone gets a little annoyed at times of the bf, fiance, even husband.

    your okay=]

  2. okay. haha, thanks.

    I feel less bad.

    Still haven't talked to him this morning
