Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, I guess I never said what I want my goal weight to be.

I started off at 140 lbs.

I'm now hovering between 114-120

I want 105. Very badly.

I'm five foot two. I can't pull off this 120 pound look off anymore.

I have a really skinny waist and everything.

I just have a very large...umm...bust...haha.

I'll keep you posted. I hope to get down to 105 by the end of the year.

That seems manageable (is that even how you spell it?) right?

Anyways, I need sleep.

Night, Anabelle :-)


  1. you can deff do that by the end of the year!! really it will be all okay.

    and how did you lose all that weight?! dieting and fasting? or exercising too?!=]

    great job so far.

    and i know,, i LOVE lemurs=]

  2. Golly gosh, Sex-bomb (sorry, it's my latest term of endearment, I'm using it willy nilly, left, right and centre!) that's a LOT of weight that you seem to have lost! To be quite honest, I am very jealous.

    If you wake up tonight dead, it is because your latest stalker has arrived at your house in the middle of the night, and shot/axed/stabbed/drowned/strangled/burnt/bludgeoned you to death.


    Sorry. That made a really horrible first impression! I'm not really like that! I promise! I'm usually perfectly friendly and kind and supportive! ;);)

    You know what. You should go and just be hailed as Almighty Weight-loss Goddess, or something similar to that.

    And, you know, most girls (myself included, sadly) would kill to have boobage, and nothing anywhere else. Unfortunately for us, this is rarely the case, and we end up being triangular shaped. Yes. My body is a geometric shape. Skinny top, flat-chest, flat tum, slightly wide hips, huge bum.

    And, can I just ask exactly HOW you managed to lose all that weight? Because golly molly, it's a LOT!


    loveloveloveYA, from me!

    PS, sorry for the ramblingramblingrambling nature of this comment. Any comments you receive in future, however, will be no different. Buckle up, you're in for a comment-y ride...

  3. omg you lost soo much weight! i am incredibly jelouse! how did you do it???

    i know what you mean, im 5'4, 105 pounds (not to make you jelouse ;)), and i have a farely large bust and i have no idea how to lose that weight! ahh! if you can, tips please!

  4. wow, haha, where to start?

    I lost all the weight fasting and exercising. I used to bike 20 miles every day. Then the heat got too bad, so I ended up stopping. got my weight back up to 120 then. ugh. I had a lot of support back then, and now I have a lot less support than i previously had, so, i'm having a really rough time this time around.

    LEMURS. ha

    Isabella, your post made me laugh. :-), Ha, well, it wasn't a bad first impression, more like a very....awkward one...haha. I'm totally prepared for your commenty comments.

    Juliette, I'm totally jealous! ha. 105! I want that! You want to lose your boobage????? Clearly, I have no clue how to lose them. Ha, I'm well into the D cups now.

    haha, thanks everyone for the comments. Love ya'll!
