Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Definitely didn't post anything else last night because I got off work at 11:30. Was supposed to get off at 9. Fml.

I'm getting fat.

'That time of the month' is over, so it's back to restricting. 'That time' is always getting shorter and shorter. Now it's less than 24 hours long. There's probably something wrong with me. Who knows?

Anyways, sorry for the short post, but I have to write a quick paper for English, and study for Calculus. Better post tomorrow. Oh, I got new shoes in the mail today. Neon pink Chuck Taylor's. I'm in love.

Anywho.... Love y'all.



  1. Nothing better than new shoes. Please tell me you wear them for no reason just so I will feel normal. Lol


  2. they are the most amazing shoes in the world, and if I could wear them all day, every day, I would. haha
