Saturday, April 24, 2010

What's the date? Holy hell...

This is why I'm such a good blogger.

So, it's been over a week since I've last posted anything. Not proud of that. Things have been going pretty good lately. My eating patterns are getting more under control, and I'm binging less, so therefore, life is good.

I haven't been doing any restrictions lately because it's just been so crazy, and I haven't been feeling too well. Instead of jumping right back into restrictions (and shocking my body), i'm just going to slowly start subtracting food from my daily life.

Insert subtracted food here: Meat.

I have decided to go completely vegetarian. Not like my diet has a lot of meat in it anyways, but I hear lots of people talk about how much weight they lose after they stop eating meat. Hey, maybe it'll work for me until I get back into restrictions.

I've seen all those animal cruelty videos about what the conditions are like when animals are going to the slaughterhouse, and they have never really affected me. But I watched one today, and my heart just wanted to cry. Those poor animals. Those crazy people just smack those animals around like they are toys. No! How would you like it if I hit YOU with a crowbar? That wouldn't feel good, would it? Stop being an asshole and put those poor animals out of their misery, instead of hitting them and leaving them there to die.

Now, I'm not opposed to eating animals. Eating other animals is a natural thing that we, as humans, do. I just have a problem with how the animals are treated. There's gotta be more humane ways.

(Plus, I'm a huge germaphobe, and a lot of the animals I saw on the video today had lots of sores and puss covered wounds. Germfest. And the FDA allows the meat of these cancerous animals to be put on the market. That's why the animals don't get medical treatment. They will get sold either way...)

Anyways, that was my animal rant. I'm not a PETA actavist, nor am I any other type of activist. I just got really pissed off when I watched this video.

Until next time,

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