Sunday, October 25, 2009


It has been so long since I've been on here. Approximately 17 days. Well, I have come on here, I just haven't posted anything since October 8th. I've been very ADD lately, so I haven't been able to concentrate long enough to sit down and just write. I did TRY to write a new blog, but I had to leave, and I forgot to press the save button.

ANYWAYS, {updates}

1. I am back with my man again. Things are really different this time. I'm grateful he took me back. It's nice.
2. I've been working about 30 hours a week, and going to school full time. It's exhausting!
3. I started my Body Conditioning class, so I am exercising a lot more than I used to. Makes he happy because now I can start losing some more weight.
4. Having trouble restricting. Since I live with my parents, I can't control fully what is bought at the grocery store. But my parents told me last night that today, Sunday, is the last day of junk food. They are going on a diet, so, therefore, I am indirectly going on a diet as well. It made me smile on the inside.
5. In my Body Conditioning class, it said my BMI was 21. I don't like that number. Let's change it. 20 sounds better. 19...better yet.
6. Well, I'm not sure what else to say... oh! I failed my first college test! It was an awful fail too. Like 53%. Oh well. I can drop one test grade off of the final grade in Calculus. Kinda sucks I failed so early in the year though. I was doing really well, until last week. ha

ANYWAYS {weekly goals}
Since it is Sunday, I think it would be good to write down a set of rules for myself to abide by for the week.
1. I must park my car in the farthest parking space away from the college. I need to walk more. Burn more calories.
2. Drink more water whenever I feel hungry.
3. Take vitamins every day.
4. Restrict calories. Maximum: 500 calories/day.

Doable....I think yes.

Thank you for following my blog everyone. I promise to participate more in it. Crazy few weeks. It'll be easier now.

Well, I should go. Have one more English assignment to do for tonight. I still need ana buddies! MSN:

Anabelle <3

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