Sunday, September 27, 2009


I'm never drinking again.

I fucked up. Cheated on my fiance.

bad weekend.



  1. I thought I'd bring you an extra cucumber to cheer you up. But I can see it might just take more than that.

    And I can't offer too much happiness, because I need to save some for me, because my happiness levels are running dangerously low. Sapped by food.

    Oh dear.

    Shall we pull guns together and massacre everything in sight?

    I think yes.

    LOvey ou th ough...

    PS don't kill anyone. Things will work out. One way or the other. They will.

  2. Hey honey.
    Well, I'm not sure what to tell you. I have never been in your situation, but I imagine that it ain't easy.
    I guess that you should do what's best for you and your relationship.
    I honestly hope that things work out.
